Hello! How are you doing up there in Vancouver? I address you in this public forum because there is something I need from you, and it is something only a person in your unique position can give me. My need for this thing is great -- but alas, given my current position, I am unable to obtain it. Perhaps, given that I've now made it a matter of public record, you can find it in your extremely large and ever-bursting-with-generosity heart to grant me this one wish, this one pleading.
What is this thing for which I beg?
if you actually want potato chips coated in vile, briny red powder, I can make that happen. But seriously, yuck! Ketchup is gross even in its native state. Why must it ruin chips as well?
Any other snack orders? I will be in Minnesota from the 16th through the 19th and will gladly bring a Santa-like haul of Canadian booty.
Ketchup power --> chips = ketchup --> french fries!
Um, any unusual candies are always amusing! Pork-flavored Twix, perhaps?
Ummm...I'm feeling pretty moody, so how about a visit from Aunt Flo? Mmmm...fudgie.
You know me and my Leo needs. I'[ll take a bit of everything...
Miss you babe.
And would you do me a favor, Diablo, and bring me back some of that legendary MONSTER WEED they grow up there. Not the ditch stuff. Don't give me no hay. I'm talking the stuff that leaves you brain damaged.
Thanks. I owe you a solid.
I second Max's notion!
Ugh...I threw up a little in my mouth just looking at the bag. My kid would be head over heels for them though being that if she could she would eat ketchup for every meal. She must've gotten that from Ben.
I third Max's notion. Please. :-)
Hey, hey, Jonny...
If you don't wind up in "it seemed like a good idea at the time" territory after exhausting your Diablo delivered stash, give me a holler.
I work in the grocery biz , but choose to keep my retailer's name a secret because it's kind of embarrassing and it's not where I wanna be forever as I await for another media gig to open up. Anyhoo, I do get a decent discount on all things consumable, so there you go; would love to help a fellow Sea Of Tunes aficionado :-)
Although I can't contemplate a burger or a french fry without the red stuff, I'm in Camp Cody's camp on this matter (and don't get me started on pepperoni flavored chips; yuckers)...but regular Fritos and ketchup is not bad, man.
D. Speaking of your large bursting with generosity heart - the horsie was a big hit - a very BIG HIT, and scared the hell out of me in the dark last night!! The little guy is starting to grow on me though, after the first couple of startles at seeing something that big turning to look at me as I enter my living room.
Diablo - the only snack I would like you to bring me is a big juicy kiss.
Ketchup Chips are food for GODS. My badass Canadian friends down them in the mornings, and those bastards can cook you up some hurtin' right good.
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