Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I Steadfastly Refuse To Twitter!

Why? You ask. Everybody's doing it! And they literally are. Almost every single one of my friends has a Twitter account at this point, and have been Twittering madly away day after day.

I swear, I'm not being a luddite. The thing is: I can't fit my thoughts into brief snippets. I'm a blabbermouth. I talk too much and have too much to say, and like the sound of my own virtual voice too much. Plus, I like to overexplain. Have you noticed? I hear you all collectively chuckling -- Oh really, do you? Well, the good thing is that you never, ever wonder what I'm talking about. I just can't find it in my heart to be cryptic or obscurantist or poetic, really. It's my old journalism training, or further back yet, my debate training. Make a point, develop it, sum it up.

I mean, if there's an album I like, it would take me thirty lines of Twitter to write about how I feel about it! And I'd have to do it from my cellphone. And the way I see it, any thought I feel compelled to write about I usually feel compelled enough to develop it into a blog entry, otherwise I just, y'know, think it. Or call Trix and bug HER about it.

Not to say I don't enjoy reading other people's Twitters. There's quite a few I follow on a regular basis, and there's some folks who totally suit the snippet-thought format. And there's some folks who are just good in any medium.

Not me. For good or for ill, I'm afraid I'm a blogger.

Dudes, you KNOW I'm talking shit. You KNOW that three months from now I'll have a Twitter account with two billion entries on it, and someone will point out that I swore I'd never Twitter and I'll regret ever posting this blog entry, and everybody will LAUGH MERRILY at my discomfort.


Anonymous said...

twitter whore:

part one

part two

Febrifuge said...

I know! I envy people who are good at brevity.

Chris Hill said...

Twitter? I just figured out blogging. I'm 37, don't make me go to Brooklyn.

Hey Jon, you know that last episode of Dr. Who. The Italian dad living with the Noble family reminded me of Jolyon Wagg from Tintin. Am I right?

Jon Hunt said...

You ARE right!!!

Unknown said...

Don't mind reading the Twitter musings of others, particularly if it's the likes of Pop Candy's Whitney Matheson reporting from a big event like a music festival, etc.--But mundane stuff like, Hey! I'm having a Tom Collins at the local karaoke place and belting out Heartache Tonight at the top of my lungs!


superbadfriend said...
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superbadfriend said...

Received an invite to Twitter a few months ago and had no idea what the hell it was. Signed up anyway. Now have two friends on there. I don't get what I am supposed to do. How does it get from my cell phone onto the Twitter?


Coco said...

I just object to it on the grounds that it's a pretty pussy sounding word. "twitter" . . .couldn't it be a bit more butch?

Jon Hunt said...

Such a TINNY sounding word, isn't it?? To quote my Monty Python?

belsum said...

Oh no, now there's Twitter I'm gonna have to figure out? Dammit. I *just* found something I like on Facebook finally! [/is addicted to Pieces of Flair]

MissTrixi said...

I signed up a couple of days ago and haven't twittered a &^$% thing!


Anonymous said...

I just signed up, and I don't get it. Am I missing something? You just say what you're up to? Erm..

Jon Hunt said...

Becky -- yes! That's it. You babble! You blurb! You chat with your friends for everybody to see!

I don't quite get it either.

Molly P said...

Let's be Twit friends! It's fun!

Jeremy QA Gibbens said...

I'm all over the map with how I use it. It's a microblog, it's a method of coordinating social gatherings on the fly, on and on. But mostly I use it to tell people when I'm on the toilet.

Anonymous said...

Trix, I think you and B are my only friends on Twitter and I haven't Twitted either... xoj