Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I'm sorry I haven't been around, but here's the deal. As of -- well, a month ago or so, I'm writing about music for The Daily Mole, which is the still-in-Beta forthcoming news-and-entertainment website from Steve Perry, the guy that formerly brought you, well, CITY PAGES, for a lot of years. Its really kind of been a blast to a) get recognized for music writing, which I've been doing on SUCH an underground/unofficial level for years, ever since I decided (perhaps foolishly) after college that I didn't really wanna be writing about music so much as MAKING it (we see how far that went!) and b) actually get in there and WRITE about some stuff I care about. I have a feeling I'm gonna be the crusty Christgau to whoever-else-is-cooler's Lester Bangs, but we'll see how it all pans out.

In the meantime: sign up for the beta and join me. I'll still be writing over HERE, but time is really at a premium these days!!


MissTrixi said...

Congrats Jonny. Guess it was worth missing my Birthday dinner for that meeting after all (uh huh....oh yeah....trixi NEVER forgets ;-) ).
I kid! I kid because I love....and because I need to stay in good graces with your wife. She's HOT!
Looking forward to more musical views from our own RockStarJonny!

Prince Gomolvilas said...

Stop threatening me.

superbadfriend said...

Congratualtions Jonny. You should totally be writing more about music. You know everything there is to know about the subject. I have learned a lot from you and your former posts. Just please don't ask me to recall names. I can point or hum.

Looking forward to reading more. xo